Business process automation

Thanks to technology, carrying out certain daily tasks and processes has become much easier. Not only in a personal but also in a professional environment, for example by improving communication, sales, or production processes.

Today, companies face great challenges in order to adapt themselves to changes in society, consumer habits, and productivity. Technologies have been a turning point, allowing the automation of business processes.

Process automation allows repetitive and manual tasks to be carried out by technologies, thus saving time and money. This allows for better resource management and can improve organization and efficiency.

In today’s post, we talk about business process automation thanks to mobile solutions such as apps. When should processes be automated? Which tools can be used? What are the advantages? These are just some of the questions we will answer, so keep reading the post to make sure you don’t miss anything!

business process automation

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What is process automation?

As mentioned above, business process automation involves the use of technologies to avoid repeating tasks manually. This makes it easier to carry out some processes, reducing costs, and time and improving the control of these tasks.

Today, we use task automation without sometimes being aware of it. Being able to control a smart home remotely from a mobile phone or start up a company’s facilities via an app are just a few examples of how process automation has arrived to make our day-to-day lives a little easier.

The automation of processes also makes it possible to reorganize human resources, investing in those tasks that do require human intervention for their execution. In addition, automating business processes also helps to reduce manual errors and improve the entire workflow.

When should you automate your processes?

It is true that not all processes and tasks carried out in a company can be automated or digitised, so it is necessary to know some characteristics that should be taken into account to know whether it is worth investing in automation or not.

Although each company is different and has its own tasks and workflows, there are certain processes that are similar and their automation can benefit any business regardless of its size, sector of activity, and level of digitisation.

In this case, we can talk about processes such as sales, customer service, task allocation, project management, or cost control and accounting. These are just some of the processes that should be automated in almost all companies.

On the other hand, as we have said, not all tasks need to be automated, but how to identify when to automate a process? What should be taken into account?

Some aspects to take into account when assessing whether to automate a process are the following:

  • When it is easy to make manual errors.
  • When they are tasks that can be carried out with little human intervention.
  • When large volumes of data and information are managed.
  • When they are repetitive tasks in which too much time is spent.
  • When there are many people involved in the process.

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Process automation tools: the apps

Choosing a tool or solution for process automation is not easy, as it will depend on the needs of your company, its size, and what you want to automate.

Nowadays, there are tools such as mobile applications that can also be used from different devices such as tablets or smartwatches, as well as having web versions for pc.

These types of applications can be focused on project management, sales, and marketing, customer service, or human resources.

The development of mobile applications to automate business processes allows taking advantage of all the benefits and functionalities of this type of device such as the camera, as well as complementary technologies such as GPS, NFC, or Bluetooth.

In addition, these types of mobile solutions are tools that can be customised, compatible with different corporate systems, secure, intuitive, and scalable, allowing them to grow as the company grows.

On the other hand, mobile apps must be easy to maintain and support in order to facilitate the work of the people who use them on a daily basis.

Advantages of process automation

It has been proven that the automation of processes and the digitalisation of tasks improves the productivity and efficiency of the companies where it is implemented, but how? What are the other advantages of automation?

  • It reduces costs and time: The fact of automating processes makes it possible to reorganise resources. If time and personnel were previously invested in carrying out certain tasks manually, thanks to automation, the time of these people can be invested in other processes that do require human intervention. Reducing time is also reducing costs, so although at first, you may have to spend money on the implementation or development of a tool, in the medium/long term you will see the results and the advantages.
  • Reduction of errors: With an automated process, the chances of making mistakes are drastically reduced.
  • Processes are standardised: Automation makes it possible to standardise numerous processes that are carried out more quickly while maintaining quality.
  • Greater control and better analysis: Implementing technologies to automate processes allows for better control over what happens in the company. Moreover, in the digital era in which we live, data is key, and this type of tool can provide a lot of information that can be used to make strategic decisions and thus develop a competitive advantage.
  • Better communication between teams: By using tools with the ability to integrate with different corporate systems, communication between teams is better, and more fluid, avoiding bottlenecks that could worsen the service.

As you can see, business process automation through technologies and tools such as mobile applications can make all the difference. In short, automation improves the quality of the processes and services offered.

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