Custom app development for business

The Project: Tagtum App

Product identification and anti-counterfeiting system.

ABAMobile has developed the mobile application for TAGTUM NFC. TAGTUM NFC is a novel system of identification and anti-counterfeit products, but also a powerful marketing tool that allows manufacturers to contact final consumers, display information about a product in real-time at the point of sale, and share products in social networks from the trade itself using simply a mobile phone or NFC Tablet.

The mobile application developed for anti-counterfeit service, uses NFC technology and can be used on Android devices. Through the use of PUSH notifications, manufacturers may be in contact with the final consumers.

TAGTUM NFC is a novel system that is thought to be used in products as diverse as luxury goods and textiles, wines and spirits, sporting goods, food, leather goods, medicines, cosmetics, etc.

The mobile app has been developed for iOS, Android, and Blackberry devices in order to make it accessible to everybody. Users can know if a product is authentic or not only using NFC technology and their mobile phones!