What is Design Thinking? Does it influence the development of an app?

The design in the development of a mobile application or in the creation of any digital solution is an essential step. Creating a tool whose design and facilities adjust to what a company needs is one of the most important steps for the success of a solution. For this reason, we will talk about what design thinking is, its phases, and what it is used for in the development of an app.

In recent years and due to the increase in the development of mobile applications and software solutions, new tools, platforms, and methodologies have been created in order to simplify processes and improve their effectiveness.

In this post, we are going to tell you what design thinking is and how it can collaborate in the development of mobile applications. Keep on reading!

what is design thinking

How to develop a mobile app? We explain to you the main 5 steps

What is design thinking?

Design thinking is a type of agile methodology that focuses on what users need through the use of technology and innovation. It is a methodology that aims to solve user problems by focusing on people.

It is a methodology through which new business ideas are developed with the help of technology. In design thinking, the role of designers is essential to create solutions in a creative and innovative way focused on clients.

This agile methodology encourages innovation and allows create better solutions. Design thinking allows us to detect needs and solve them always keeping people in mind. In addition, it is applicable to any company regardless of its size and the sector in which it operates.

What is the use of design thinking in companies?

As we said, the main objective of this methodology is to satisfy customer needs through the development of technological and innovative solutions.

Design thinking is an agile methodology that helps to create solutions in a creative way, it is also used as a tool to develop new products and services, as well as to see new business opportunities.

As you can see, this methodology is a broad concept that can be carried out in different ways and that each company can apply depending on what their customers and target audience needs.

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Steps of Design Thinking

Now that you know better what design thinking is, we tell you the work process of this methodology. What are the main phases of design thinking? These steps help the successful implementation of the design thinking methodology. Each company has its own needs, processes, and way of acting on a daily basis and this agile methodology has the ability to adapt to any business.

Empathy phase

As mentioned above, design thinking is focused on solving problems for users, so knowing what they need is essential. This is where this first phase, focused on empathy, comes in. We must put ourselves in the other person’s situation and get to know their point of view. In this phase, we research the consumer and connect better with customers and what they need.


Once we have information and data collected about the users, it is time to start identifying and defining the problems that consumers have. In this stage, we try to summarize all the information to keep the core problems and solve them.


In this stage, we start to think of a solution for users’ problems. It is one of the most laborious phases starting from a brainstorming process we must filter and extract the best solutions to start creating a business plan on it.


This phase is another step in the development of a solution. Creating a minimum viable product is a very useful solution in this phase as it allows to create a solution with minimum resources but viable to see how it performs in the market.

Measure and test

With the different ideas developed, the next step is the measurement and testing phase, where the results of the innovation are measured. Thanks to this step of this methodology, it will be possible to see if the solution or solutions work in the market and solve the users’ problems.

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