ABAMobile participates in an advertising campaign for BBVA
On Saturday 8 November, two members of ABAMobile’s team had the opportunity to participate in the recording of BBVA’s advertising spot for the camping “Yo Soy Empleo”.
In the beginning, ABAMobile took part in the campaign “Yo Soy Empleo” by means of the contracting of our mate “Jesús López” by BBVA. Besides the fact that BBVA helped us in contracting new employment, BBVA also provided us with a course oriented toward entrepreneurs who are taught by recognized business schools. In our case, we participated in the edition of “La Coruña” that was taught by Deusto.
We are very thankful to BBVA for initiatives such as “Yo Soy Empleo”, which are welcome in times in which there are not a lot of points of support where we can grip (hold on) when we are starting a new project.
In summary, it was fantastic to take part in the recording of an advertising campaign.
We put at your disposal the next links where you will be able to watch the videos that we have recorded.